A beautiful, nearly flawless game.

User Rating: 9.1 | The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Limited Edition) GC
Gameplay - 8

It's a fun game to play, but the huge problem is that there is way, way too much boating involved. Not that boating isn't fun, it is, but too much of a good thing is always very bad. The second problem is that the game is too easy and too short. None of the the bosses are very difficult, not even the final boss. The dungeons are pretty easy too. I feel there aren't enough complex puzzles or rock-hard battles in the game. Other than that, it is an awesome game that is well worth playing. Even though the dungeons and boss battles are easy, they are a lot of fun. Plus, there are things a lot worse that boating... imagine if it driving instead?

Graphics - 10

The cel-shaded graphics in this game were nothing short of lovely. Most things in the game were very well animated, especially Link, buildings, monsters and bosses. Not only are they very well detailed, but they're absolutely exploding with beautiful color. Special effects (especially explosions) were very well emphasized, giving the game a nice touch of reality.

Sound - 10

The sound in this game is great. Monster sounds, boss sounds, character sounds were just plain wonderful. Sounds from special effects were very well emphasized as well (once again, explosions are a good example).

Storyline - 7

The only thing I actually DIDN'T like about this game. Nintendo took the Zelda storyline in a whole new direction for Wind Waker; I certainly hated it. I wish you could explore more of the actual Hyrule, but hey, space limitations are a killer. Oh well, all things must meet there ultimate fate someday, right?