It's a very good game. The gameplay is perfect, but I didn't like the graphics. I hate cell-shading!!!
I was fascinatet by the gameplay. It's like in the two zelda games of the nintendo 64. And because I like zelda very much I have to give 10 points!!!
Here I have to say that I dint't like the graphics! Look at the graphics of ocarina of time and was that cell shading? No!!! and all this game was perfect! So why can't nintendo stay by this normal graphics? I don't know!
When the graphics were better this game wouldn't be so much critisised!
so: 7 points
The sound was very good. But it could be a bit more dramatic! So: 9 points
It was obsolotely not too short! There were a lot of side quests to do. And because of this you could play a lot of hours to win hearts and rubins! so: 10 points
Reviewer's Tild
I don't know what that is so i give 10 points^^
greez mitch