Absolutely the best use for gamecube. It is wonderful and amazing. Warning: highly addictive too.
You start off on a beautiful island, leanr a couple of sword moves, get your "Link" clothes, meet the townsfolk...There is so much to do in this game. I particularly enjoyed sailing for buried treasure and feeding the fish to play games or get hints.
The dungeon in this game are amazingly thought out. It can prove to be quite challenging at times but that only makes the game even more fun. The dungeons are so well made and so well planned that when the game ends, you cant help wishing ther was just a little more.
I also loved all the new items, the light arrows, the camer you have to take pictuers with, and all the amazing amazing wonderful sidequests that contribute so much to the gameplay.
The sword moves are also awesome with the numerous amount of new sword moves like parry and such. There was quite a bit of sailing in this game but the fun exciting uses the the wind waker truly are spectacular.
Overall, I would give this game a 99/100 only becase I when you finish the game you can do it all over again and the only difference is that you get tingle's box