User Rating: 9.5 | The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Limited Edition) GC
What a great game! Not a really difficult game, but it is fun and addictive all the way thru. I found the story to be engrossing, if not slightly predictible...but hey! it's a zelda game so you pretty much know what the story is going to be. The nice thing is this time is that the plot staples (triforce, master sword, princess zelda)are not apparent at the beginning and kinda sneak up on you. The controls are top notch and are essentially the same as in OoT. The graphics are are beautiful, and the animation is some of the best ever seen on a console. One of my few gripes is with the sound. While it is not bad, it just doesnt go that extra step to make it special like in say, Metroid Prime. It seems to me that it was almost thrown together as an afterthought. Maybe the developers spent too much time honeing the visuals. Besides the slightly better than average sound, I really only have three other problems with the game. The first one is with the Wind Waker. The Wind Waker is a magical conductor's baton wish is controled like the Ocarina in OoT. That is, you must memorize directional patterns on the C-Stick to cast certain spells. It was a novel idea in OoT, and that kept it from becoming annoying. However I constanly found the "songs" all running together in my mind, and I had to constanly keep going to the Status Menue to look them up. An optional Song Menue would have been welcome where you could just pick a song, it it would be played automatically. My second complaint is with sailing the ship early in the game before you can use cyclones to telelport across the ocean. While at first it did not bother me going on 10 minute ocean voyages, i eventually grew tired of it. However, it does make you want to find out how to learn the song that lets you master the cyclones. My last complaint is with the ending. It is pretty lame. However, Nintendo has never done a good ending in my opinion so I was not expecting much. All in all this game is GREAT. I really enjoyed playing it, and am sure i will play it thru again. It is epic and magical and all around enjoyable. People who will not play it because of its cartoony graphics are depriving themselves of a wonderful experience. This game belongs in any serious gamer's library.