Good times had by all.

User Rating: 9.5 | The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Limited Edition) GC
So I was a huge fan of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. When I heard about Windwaker (I somehow missed Majoras Mask...Like I just didnt play it for some reason) I was excited, and then when I hear about the cell shading, I admit I was a bit turned off. So thats probably the reason it took me so long to play, and the fact that my gamecube is in Illinois, while I'm in Georgia.
Anyway, Within the first 10 minutes I got over the cell shading and over time actually came to love it...So, the graphics are awesome. Sound is good, I'm not sure it was anything special, but sometimes thats for the best, its when you notice the sound, that alot of times means something was wrong.
But now for the gritty, gritty...The gameplay. This incarnation of the Zelda series has you traveling the high see's. At first I was sure I wasnt going to like this aspect, because of all the time between islands, but its really not that bad (especially) after you learn a certain song to move you from place to place. Other than that the game has all the cool dungeons, interesting characters and sweet boss battles you come to expect from Zelda. I really came to like the battle system in this reincarnation...not too different from Ocarina, but enough improvement and changes to keep me interested.
Bottom Line, if your a Zelda series fan, than you've probably already played it, but if youve never played a Zelda game (I'm sure theres not many of you) and are looking for a GameCube game to pass the time, then pick this one up, its well worth it.