
User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Limited Edition) GC
Wow. Just, wow. I've never played a better game in my life (save possibly metroid prime). MUCH better than OoT, just because there's a lot more emotion put into the storyline. I'll go over it by category:

Gameplay: Same ol' zelda gameplay- a new item in every dungeon, then having to utilize it to defeat the boss (in the most ingenious ways- even in the first boss fight!) plus TONS of sidequests to get special items that will help you a lot. A lot of people said sailing is tedious and not fun, but running into giant octorocks and discovering treasure is fun. Even though it did take quite a while (5-10 min.) to get from placed to place, once you learn the 'Ballad of Gales', which lets you warp to certain islands, sailing is a breeze.

Graphics: Some people didn't like the move into the cel-shaded world. Don't listen to them, unless you're one of those people. It has AMAZING graphics, and the expressions on people's faces seemed to be a LOT more emotional.

Sound: Simply the best. Good old yelps and yells of Link when he swings his sword or rolls. Plus, an amazing soundtrack that left me humming tunes (particularly the one at the title screen and on Dragonroost Island. Even the 'shing' sound Links sword makes when drawn from it's sheath is great.

Value: Again, with lots of sidequests and bonuses for the second time you play through, you will never get bored of this game. Helping the deku sprouts, trading quests, and the new 'Nintendo Gallery', make it all worthwhile.

DO NOT HESITATE TO BUY THIS GAME!!!!! Sure, it came out a few years ago, but hey! Only $20 for one of (I think) the best games ever. In my opinion, that's a good deal.