Windwaker is an excellent display of what Zelda is all about, and is one of the best Zelda games to date.
User Rating: 9.4 | The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Limited Edition) GC
The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker is an excellent, and modern showing of just what Zelda is all about. Winkwaker is perfect for people new to the Zelda series and those who have been with the series since the beginning. When you first look at this game, especially the graphics, it appears rather awkward and unorthodox. It is unorthodox, but by the time you have finished the game, you will love the cell shaded graphics. This cartoony feel truly leaves the "classic effect" that many scoffed at before this game was released. As always, with zelda games, the gameplay is superb. The windwaker opens with a scene that explains the Ocarina of Time is merely a myth in this new setting. Old School Zelda players will find this opening very nostalgic. The "fun factor" is everywere in WW. Because of that, the game is very hard to put down. The only problem I had with the game, while still challenging, it seemed a little easier in comparison to earlier zelda games. For me this is dissapointing, as I would like the puzzles to be as complicated as possible, but for some this may be a welcome change. I personally beat this game twice, but I'm not sure how likely most people will be to play it more than once. Overall WW is an excellent representation of what Zelda is all about, and if you havent gotten into the craze, WW is a great way to see why everyone loves it so much.