Nothing will ever replace the memory of Ocarina of Time, but Twilight Princess will be remembered with the same fondness
99% of people reading my review know what Zelda is about, so there is no need for me to go into detail as I would for a game such as Folklore.
As you progress in this game, you can't help but have fond memories of Ocarina of Time, and Majora's Mask. Twilight Princess is so similar, but it's so much grander.
I know I don't speak for everyone, but I feel like no area of the game besides the rather dated texturing disappointed. I thought every dungeon was spectacular, both in art style, and level of difficulty. The bosses were mostly easy, but they were all very enjoyable. My favorite thing about Twilight Princess was the new weapons, and items. I thought they were very inventive, and made for some excellent, well thought out puzzles. I thought that the wolf form kept things fresh as well.
If you are a Zelda fan, and for whatever reason, you have not bought this game, buy it. The texturing is dated, and the combat is a little dated, but this game is still so good, that I cannot see it being remembered as anything less than one of the best Zelda games ever made. After Ocarina of time, Twilight Princess is my favorite.
I couldn't give it anything less than a 9/10. I will remember Midna, and many other characters for years to come. When a game has that much of an impact on you, it must be great. If you can't appreciate a game with somewhat outdated graphics, you are missing out. I almost missed out for that very reason. I'm usually all about graphics, but this games charm, and nostalgia is woth the purchase alone.