A masterpiece......not perfect...but a must play for the Wii!

User Rating: 9.6 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
A Legend of Zelda game in the flesh! Okay, so to start off this review ....I was totally captivated by this game! I played it for over 120 hours! Not straight hours.....but you catch what I mean. I am a true Zelda fan, all the way back to the beginning of the NES days! Over the course of the years, the Legend of Zelda has become an iconic franchise for Nintendo platforms, and are heavily scrutinized to be near perfect. Now, with all that pressure to be so great, its absolutely amazing that the games STILL do not disappoint! I got this game on launch day of course.....no way was I going to miss this game! And even though it has taken long enough for me to do a review, I have my reasons. I wanted to totally finish it from beginning to end, collecting every heart container, item, Poe, bug, etc. So now that I have indeed been finished with it for several months (finished in January), I can be totally objective about the short comings, and positive points. The game itself is a masterpiece! From beginning to end, the gameplay, the content, the storyline, and the immersive feel you experience while playing all make up the best Zelda title, since to the "Ocarina of Time"! The game came close, but there is at this point no way another game is going to be able to touch the perfection that was OoT. Hands down!! Ocarina was an exceptional experience and pioneered so many game play techs that are still used in games to this day! It is the only perfect 10 rated game, that I recall.....ever! So therefore, Twilight Princess was doomed, to be second to the king, from the start! The game has so much great content, but when all Zelda fans that have played Ocarina compared the two.....most were still sold on the fact that OoT was still the big dog!! I remember seeing that question voted on, by several sites, as to which game was the superior, and of course, Ocarina by a land slide. By no means am I saying that Twilight Princess is a bad game, it is far from it! I personally, loved it; it's not better than Ocarina, in my opinion, but it is an awesome game in its own right! The nature of the beast with games in a popular franchise is each game has pressure to be better than the previous, ...especially franchises like the Legend of Zelda. I enjoyed this game, and I'm strongly considering a play through again, ....already. However, this fall holds a great deal of games coming to the light. So it may have to wait for a little while longer. Now to touch basis on the one hugely talked about aspect of this game.....graphics. For a great many Zelda fans, there were extremely high expectations dealt out for this game. With that being said, I personally don't understand what the big deal is?! This game looked absolutely fantastic! Yes, it is true that the game was originally suppose to be the grand finale for the gamecube, but I'm glad they did what they did. The graphics to me are better than people are giving credit for, and with the addition of the motion control....why would you not want to play it? The only thing about the Wii version in relation to graphics that puzzled me is.......Link is not right handed! Many die hard Zelda fans were probably not pleased with this change, however; it was not much of a bother after a while to me. The Wii version is in fact, a "mirror image" of the gamecube version, cubers out there playing it right now, already know this. The wolf play is probably my only REAL beef with this game .....there were times of monotonous game play, and I felt like the fighting aspect could have been modified a bit more. Other than that, I loved it. Overall, this game truly opened the doors of what the Zelda Universe looks like with realistic graphics, and game play. The puzzles weren't terribly difficult, but not too easy. Loved the soundtrack, and the surround like impressions coming from the wii-mote. I'm pretty sure that the next Zelda will be better, due to being designed from the ground up using the Wii dev kits. In conclusion, despite the short coming in being compared to "Ocarina of Time" , I totally recommend this game to anyone, it truly is a game that needs to be played. No true Zelda fan should miss this title!