While the Zelda name is already old, Twilight Princess gives the Zelda franchise a completely different story and world.

User Rating: 9 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
- Basic Outline
This was actually the game I was most excited to buy on my Wii, not just because I'm a old Zelda fan since Link to the Past, I'm actually too a good RPG fan and sometimes I enjoy RPGs based on Action instead of Turn Based Combat. Apart form the Gameplay, I'm actually a big fan of the whole "celtic" feeling Zelda games give to the player.

Twilight Princess seems to be a whole new different game from the old Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker, no doubt we're in Hyrule, but the whole feeling and storyline are so different, that you will be surprised by some events of the game even though Zelda is such a old franchise. As you begin, you are a villager of Ordon that will have to make a delivery to Hyrule, in my opinion, the beginning is rather boring, but once you enter the Twilight Realm, the story starts to get interesting, the fights start to get tougher and the whole epic feeling of Zelda is reborn again.

- Gameplay

The novelty here is the Wiimote, where you can swing your controller in order to swing your sword, giving a feeling of being inside the game. The sword gameplay is actually very simple, you can slash, thrust and jump slash by swinging your Wiimote your pushing the buttons, also, if you shake the Nunchuk, Link will perfom the classic Whirlwind Slash. Not only the sword, you can use your Wiimote to use your bow, slingshot, boomerang etc. I had no complaints about the Wiimote gameplay even though a lot of old-school gamers frowned at the whole new Wii gameplay. So in my opinion, an option about playing with the classic controller should be available to please all gamers.

I could point only to the scene of the chase on Kakariko Village and the Knight style duel at Eldin Bridge to completely destroy any Xbox 360/PS3 action game (released until now of course), but I will do more than that. Starting with the dungeons, which are fusions of action and puzzles. The whole new dungeons and boss battles are, in my opinion, more amazing than any other Zelda game. Their difficulty is just right, it might take you a while and you will have to think a bit, but nothing is frustratingly hard and you will finish the game without having much problems, even if you are completely new to Zelda.

Another new things about the gameplay is the new Oocca, which can teleport you out of the dungeon and return to the same room when you wish. Also, the whole new factor in this game is the Wolf transformation, which is, in my opinion, completely amazing.
In wolf form you must found "bugs" which contain the light of the spirits to regain your human form, in which you will begin a dungeon. The gameplay is actually rather simple, but completely innovative.

- Graphics

Many people diss the Wii because of its graphics and Twilight Princess had given those people a huge slap in their face. Big is something that does not fit this game because everything is not just big, but HUGE! Once you enter Hyrule Field with Epona there is a huge, green field that goes on forever. Not only that, there is the huge Hyrule Castle, the huge Zora's Domain, the huge Death Mountain, the huge Snowpeak, the huge Lake Hylia... All this makes Ordon Village look like an ant. The scenery and the world, are perfectly done.

Also the characters design looks awesome, the cutscenes in this game are beautiful and full of pulsing emotions... This is undoubtly, a perfect job by Nintendo, by giving its new franchise a whole new graphic domain, while not sacrificing Zelda's original spirit.

And you can ride a horse, want something more awesome than that? ;)

- Sound

Since as you enter Hyrule Field, a epic song starts to play to even make the whole scene even more PERFECT and SUBLIME, and drain you even further into Hyrule itself. Koji Kondo again, didn't dissapoint anyone and gave us a truly epic soundtrack.

The sound effects are OK but they have flaws. I don't have nothing bad to say about the sword sounds or the wolf growls. But I was dissapointed to see this game had no voice acting at all, apart from Midna speaking the Hylian language, everyone just screamed Oh! or twistinly laughed, like Ganondorf, while speaking. Sure, I understand there are many people who think that voice acting would completely kill the whole Zelda spirit, but it would make the game even better in my opinion.

- Plot or Atmosphere:

I'm not a big fan of Dark vs Light storylines (and yes I hate Kingdom Hearts) but Twilight Princess' storyline is more than that. It starts slow, but it soon starts to grow on you until you're completely captured by it. Zelda franchise is well known for combining Storyline and Action perfectly so that you don't feel yourself inside a graphic novel, but I actually enjoyed the whole story.

Through the story, you will unfold the mystery that Princess Midna is and discover the life of a forsaken race known as the Twili and at the same time, you will save Hyrule once again from Ganon.

Besides you can be Link, a mute hero that still captures a lot of personality by being brave, agile and cunning and defeats a guy who is 10 times more powerful than him, what else can you ask?

- Overall:
Since the release of Ocarina Of Time any other Zelda game remained in its shadow but Twilight Princess has enough potential to rivalize Ocarina and even beat it in some areas. I recommend this game to anyone that has a Wii, anyone who enjoys adventures games and anyone who still respects all the elements a good game has. A perfect combination of realistic battles, puzzles, mysterious storyline and a epic world, Twilight Princess was a complete victory by Nintendo in the Action Adventure games.

Gameplay: 10
Graphics: 9.5
Sound: 8.5
Plot: 9
Overall: 9.2

Alternatives: If you prefer more bloody games, you can try God of War. The same epic feeling and combination of puzzles, action and storyline can be encountered in it. If you like Zelda-style games, and you can't have a Wii, try Shadow of the Colossus, in my opinion one of the best games ever made. Both God of War and Shadow of the Colossus are for the PS2.

Of course you can also play the old Ocarina of Time for the N64.

In conclusion I only have one last thing to say...

Mah Boi, Twilight Princess is all true gamers strive for.