Twilight Princess is pretty well done right for the Wii. With good controls and story, this one won't leave your Wii.

User Rating: 8.5 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
The Good:

+ The Combat
+ Story
+ Characters
+ Use of the Wii controls

The Bad:

- Controls get boring
- The Graphics

The Ugly:

-- No Voice Acting implied

Zelda, that one name every gamer has in his or her heart. The competitive gameplay and puzzles that makes every fan of Nintendo shout, "Triforce!". Well, this one has that same element as the other Zeldas, but this one has a little more differ side to it's controls.

Ever since Nintendo created the Nintendo DS, things had started to be a little more shakey when it finally shown the control for the Wii. Two wands, that really looked liked remotes you can find under your couch. Everyone thought, "It's over! Nintendo finally came to the dark side of producing horrible ideas. Let's start remembering the dark days of the VB." However, all hope was not lost. When it was produced in November, it implied that it was way cheaper than the PS3, given it a huge advantage. Then Zelda also gave it a shine of its own.

I have to admit this game, didn't I played this about nine years ago? The story starts to unfold too much like the Ocarina did. Temples? Gorons? Zoras? Doesn't this world happen in Ocarina of Time? Oh well, it was good, so why fix it when you can just leave it. However, tools start to break, so this say doesn't fit in this Zelda.

The story is way too similar, I have to say that Nintendo is just drying up with this line of events. You start out as Link, duh, and you are growing up to be a man. Wow, a man. When you are done with your work in a typical day, all hell breaks loose and warthog people attack your girlfriend and kidnaps kids. You realized that when you go to the far edge of town, a realm is shown as a dark figured. Soon you turn into a wolf when you entered it... yeah. So after you meet Midna, the little annoying floating girl with a huge dark crown, you start you journey as the Chosen and have to defeat the Twilight realm and save Hyrule from Ganondorf, again, and defeat Zaat or whatever the king of the Twilight. Temples!

The gameplay is a huge factor in this version of Twilight Princess. Gameplay! That is all Nintendo wants to do, just focus on Gamplay! Well, you got Gameplay! You swing, or shake as what I call it, your Wiimote around like a wimp and you kill things with unsatifying results. You block by targeting enemies with the "Z" button. No block button, just defend automatically, which takes out the fun because the only way to get hit is by attacking when they do at the same time. Link will special secrets attacks by progressing through the game too. The "A" button is just the universal button, by rolling to opening doors. B button is your select button action button thing, which is used when you used one of your D-pad buttons. The "-" button is your select screen and the "+" button is more like your pause button. What is bad about the Wiimote is the "1" and "2" button because they are so far away from your thumb. 1 does the map, and 2 makes the map disappear and reapear on the screen. Fun? Gets pretty dumb after the Water Temple.

The sound is pretty well, but pretty crappy too. Music, cutscenes, and odd sounds from people sound great and very superb. However, the sound, like sword whacks, rolling sounds and hit the wall, Midna's Laugh, ect, all sound choppy on the Wiimote. I didn't like the sound quality on the controller, reducing the value of the game. It sounded like you were playing on a Gameboy Pocket. What another let down was the not voice acting. Text is not the new black anymore.

The graphics were also good, but were too last gen. One point I think about it, doesn't the Gamecube play this too? Lame, very lame indeed to the graphic imput. Why does Nintendo all of a sudden start hating the art in the game? Games today should have quality graphics so the the player can feel the game.

So at the end, the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess was kind of a let down to the story, gameplay, and graphics. It could have been a whole lot better if Nintendo didn't put in the part where the Gameplay must been the whole deal of the bargin. Twilight Princess is pretty well done right for the Wii. With good controls and story, this one won't leave your Wii. It just wasn't that good as a Zelda fan wanted.