Really great! Not only do you roam as Link, you get to roam around as Wolf Link!

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
Once again without any rewards(as one of my friend says), Link must save Zelda (again), but this time he brings out the animal in him.
Zelda Twilight Princess introduces a new story into the Zelda Series, with better graphics. With 2 bad guys, instead of just Ganondorf. It introduces a "new" Link. When engulfed in Twilight, Link Changes Form into a Wolf! Have all the qualities of a wolf you must proceed to save Hyrule of Twilight.
With brand new items and new equipment, Link must face even more/harder challenges than he did in him past adventures (Ocarina of Time, Oracle of Ages/Seasons, etc.), with new bosses, new characters, and another annoying person that follows you =).
Zelda Twilight Princess was originally made for Gamecube, but everyone knows it's better for Wii. Maybe the Wild Side isn't so bad...