While it doesn't utilize the Wiimote to it's best, it's still an amazing game. A recommended first buy.
The dungeons are well designed but are a bit more straightforward then previous Zelda games with little to no puzzle solving required. The bosses on the other hand are much, much funner then in any Zelda game to date required a little more stratergy then usual. You will obviously need a special item to defeat them, one of which can be found in each dungeon including the Clawshot, arrows and ofcourse a new additon, a spinning top you can ride along walls. Some of the previous items have gotten beefed up to, for example you can now use Bomb Arrows, Water Bombs and your Boomerang has a wind like ability and can lock onto multiple targets.
The graphics in this game are nice, although not really up to standards. There is also the lack of voice acting which may be a little offputting at first but it works well for the Zelda series. Would you want to hear, say, Marios voice in his games? It would sound a bit odd, huh?
Overall it was a nice game but could have used a polish, but seeing as it was originally made for the GameCube and not the Wii it is understandable.