now people... This is what Zelda is all about

User Rating: 9 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
I know that lot of people think as I do... we were not really waiting for the Wii to come out, we were waiting for this super Zelda game Nintendo promised us after The Wind Waker (not a bad game, but I know we didn't really feel confident with it); just imagine it... a Zelda game with motion sensor, outstanding graphics... what could possibly go wrong???.

I still remember the moment I first opened the box and saw this beautiful gold disc, waiting to be used, a promise...

Twilight Princess combines everything: really nice story, long game play, the motion sensor works perfectly, an OUTSTANDING MUSIC... at last after Majoras Mask we had a real Zelda console game.

However It wasn't a total blow mind game experience as Ocarina of Time was, there is something missing in this game, not really an instant classic, it showed that a new time for Nintendo was coming, not better nor worse, just a different perspective.