THE BEST game ever for any player.
The WII controller helps you feel like you're in Zelda world, the vast lands and side quests, and the progressing difficulty is only a few reasons why I gave this game 10/10.
Graphics: 9/10
We have to admit, the graphics are another big improvement in the series, though it was originally meant for the Gamecube, some of the sprites look a bit blocky.
Sound: 10/10
The new orchestra tunes are better than the old tunes, and even adds more to the whole value. I don't like voice-overs that much, so I'm happy that the game doesn't have many.
Value: 10/10
No comment required. From the beginning, you know that you have a LONG way to go. I'm not finished the game yet, and I can see how much minigames and sidequests there are. Did I mention fishing yet?
So there you go. My thoughts on the best game ever made. I even think that 8.8 is toooooo low for this game. It's worth every cent.