the game is looks cool but theres is no sound of shaders!!!!!!

User Rating: 9.2 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
Thge legedn of Zelda Twilight princess, i cant help but suck up to this! Bow! This game makes a grate comback, it will be followed up by The Phantom hour glass on the DS witch is a spin off of the wind waker. This game has awsome controlling, and new moves withc is usfull seeing as its a bit hard to get used to on the Wii, you get all the classic horse riding, execpt they finally put in the ability to use the sword on his horse, and it acually takes up alot of the game. In this game, Gannon is being controlled by some monster, and he is still the final boss, but i find it disapointing that gannon isnt the most powerful of eviel people in the game. I recemend this game to anybody who likes Zelda, this game is Revolutionary, its insane how fun it is! This is one of those games ( Like Halo ) that some people buy the system for just that game, i acually know some people who did that, kind of sad, but i shows how fun it is, this highly antisapated game is one for the records, you absolutly need to get it soon or wait for it to came out on the Game Cube.