This game redefines the adventure genre.

User Rating: 9.6 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
When i read the review i was stunned. Jeff doesnt know what he's talking about. now im not saying i am more qualified than him, but come on an 8.8 for the greatest game that will ever come to wii. that means no wii game will ever get above an 8.8. so i decided to give a mini review for the game. because i think it deserves a better score. im not going to go into great detail because i am super tired, but i will give my opinion.

Gameplay: the gameplay is awesome. probably the most fun ive had playing zelda. its so satisfying hitting your enemy with a couple slashes then combo him up with a spin slash to send him to his death by explosion. no seriosly they explode when they die. the controls are not just tacked on and they feel very smooth. the analog feels perfect and every button feels like it is in the right spot. i play around with the controls for about 5 minutes and then i instantly had them. it was very natural and they arent just tacked on. some people may think youll get tired from swinging your arms around but you can also do slight movements while sitting down. also i played the game in a recliner pulled all the way back totally relaxed and i had no problems with the motion control

the world is massive and it seems like you can get lost in all of its secrets. the twiglight realm is very ominous and it has an amazing art style to compliment its eerie premise. controlling link is as easy as controling the wolf, is as easy as controlling animals, is as easy as stearing vehicles. the game is very intuitive and the controls remained fresh.

Sound: After looking back on the sound i am greatly dissapointed. The sound is no where near in quality to ocarina or WW. There really is no redeaming quality about it besides the opening score which is pretty good. They don't stick true to the Zelda theme and it is never heard. They remix some songs but it ends up feeling rushed and like a mish mashed pile of crap. Zelda is known for wonderfully made scores but this one felt lacking. Usually in Oot i'd be running through hyrule feild and hearing this brilliant score, but instead the game provides a lackluster quiet roaming score which leaves a lot ot be desired. In WW when you were sailing this awesome music would come on and pump u up for where you were going and left me humming it hours after i had played. Everything music wise in tp is rather forgettable. If it werent for the sound effects the game would be virtually silent in my mind. Because nothing is rememberable. There is also no instruments this time around which is kind of a bummer. Sure you can play the wolf tunes but only at the stones and the songs are rather uninspired. koji kondo really didnt do his best here. he did have 5 years after all. it sort of feels like he just slacked off. i was greatly dissapointed. but overall it does get the job done and provides the player with a bit of atmosphere.

Value: 0- 50 hours for and adventure game. i think you are getting your moneys worth. especailly if you play through with no side qusests. its still around 35 hours. but if you replay you can find new things to explore. also there may be downloadable content so this game has great value and everyone should own it. Graphics: it is a port from the gamecube so im not going to score it acordingly. it is an exeption. some textures were blurry and jaged while the overall game looks astonishing from an artistic standpoint. (sort of like SOTC). The game also runs in 16:9 widescreen and supports the 480i and 480p.

Tilt/Fun: this game is overall superb. everything about this game screams GOTY. it is fun intuitive and dare i say it revolutionary. it redefines the adventure genre and does it well. i have always liked zelda and this title instills my faith in the franchise forever. Bottom line: you need to own this game. second you get a wii, gamecube whatever go buy this game. it is a terific addition to the franchise and IMO is the best in the series. everything about it is great and you wont find yourself bored with it anytime soon. GOTY.