W0W Kool Game But.....
User Rating: 9.3 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
This is a Execellent game i mean DAM!! Since i was like 6 years old i have been following The Sega Of Zelda. I love This Game Becuase it makes you think how to get stuff how to find out wats going on and im really looking foward for more great zelda games! =) But i wish that the graphics will get better of the next games to come...Dont get me wrong this game has good graphics but compare to the PS3 and Xbox360 it comes a little bit short.
This game Is pretty long too thats wat i like only the stroy will take you about 40 hours to complete the game and the secondary missions well ill tell you i still havent finish and FISHING is back w00w so keep looking out for this wonderful sega.