More in-depth than any Zelda before it, with new innovate controls makes this the best LOZ ever.
Anyways, I was looking for a reason not to give it a 10 but I couldn't. I understand that most reviews have lowered the score of this game due to the fact that there is no voice acting, but that is how Zelda games always are. I do not see this as a downfall for the game. I do enjoy the option to skip through cut-scenes. So for people who do not like ( or are to lazy) to read, skip over it. Let me put a spin on it so this feature sounds extremely positive. The fact that you have to read will raise the value in some people's eyes. Parents don't like mind-numbing games, this has educational value...sorta. Now onto the game it's self. I've waited until I beat the game to give it a full review. I don't understand how people will review it after the first hour or two of playing it. You can not base everything off of that. Speaking of hours, this game will take you quite a few. And to really enjoy this game you should not rush through it just for a quick time. One problem that is common among longer games is that you get bored quickly of it and the game starts to drag. With Twilight Princess the continuing action mixed with a very in-depth storyline keeps you alert and wanting more. I will not discuss the storyline to much, for I don't want to ruin it for anyone. But I will say the emotion this game has is outstanding, with some phenomenal cut-scenes. Graphics are clean and crisp. Now remember this game was originally created for the GameCube and was ported to the Wii. It is still the best looking Wii game out currently. And while the Wii does have more power, and could probably make this game look even better, the 16:9 ratio does that well enough.
Now onto the controls. The new wii-remote does a great job as a controller. It is responsive, and feels extremely natural, for the most part. My sensitivity is still set at the default setting and I did not find myself having to throw my arms around, nor did they tire from the small movements I made. You also do not move your arms (wrists) as much as you would think either. This was very nice as the length from the Wii-remote to the Nunchuk allows you to lay your hands down in almost any comfortable position you like. The only downside I occasionally noticed is that at times you may feel like the game would have controlled better with a standard controller.
This game is fantastic and a must buy for anyone with a Wii. With action (shooting, sword fighting), puzzles, RPG elements, and even sports (fishing, sumo wresting) almost anyone can find a reason to enjoy this game.