Every gamer owes it to him or herself to play though this amazing game.
GAMEPLAY - The fighting/action in the game is fun and has a great fluid feel to it. The enemies and the Bosses are fairly easy and will not diffiicult to get pass. However fighting never becomes a chore, it's always fun. I would've preferred it if the Bosses were alittle more challenging, but they are so spectacular (best bosses of any game ever) that I didn't really care. The storyline is solid. The wolf dynamic is great and works well. The secret items to collect (poes, gold bugs, heart pieces, etc.) are fun to look around for and encourage exploration. The world itself is a very rich and vibrant place. You really get the feeling like it is a real world and it adds to the epic feeling of the game. Unlike games like Oblivion or GTA: San Andreas you never feel like characters or the environments in TP are copy&pasted like you do in those game. I do wish there were a couple more towns/villages. GRAPHICS - Art Design is excellent. Special effects (i.e. particle effects, lighting, etc.) are solid. Character models are near perfect. The game loses a point in this department because some of the environment textures (i.e. side of a rock wall or the floor of a mud path) are not as clean or detailed as they should be.
SOUND - Though the music is not as advanced as some would have liked I thought it was great. Some people complain about the wii-mote speaker sounds, I have no problem with them and I actually like them, they do indeed make me feel more immersed in the game.
VALUE - This game is very lengthy and there a lot of stuff to do keep you busy. Not to mention, that this game is so good, that I'm sure most people who buy it want to play though it again several times. The game is an instant classic that you probably will never sell and if you do you'll probably regret it.
REVIEWER'S TILT - I already said it's one my favorite games of all time, so there really isn't any else to say about it.
CONCLUSION - I don't care if you hate Nintendo, or if you're a PC gamer, or whatever. You need to play this game. If you don't you have just deprived yoruself of one of the most engrossing experiences in the history of games.