The newest Zelda game on a console- Ocarina of Time or Faces of Evil?

User Rating: 9.5 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
The answer- I had more fun with this game than Ocarina of Time. Yes, I said it.
But this game wasn't a ten! HOW?! Well, I would give Ocarina a 9 at the current point I am on(right before Spirit). I never got immersed into that game. This one was different.

The gameplay was great, with all the swinging and stuff. You swing the Wiimote to use the sword, press A to use a jumping attack, press B to use your current tool, use the D-pad to switch between tools(up is for Midna, the helper character), shake the Nunchuk for a spin attack, and press Z to lock on. The only problem? Well, one time I went through 3 temples in one day. At the end of the day, when I swung, my wrist would get a shock. Yeah, swinging for a long time is NOT good for your wrist. The final boss is epic, by the way.(last phase, of course)

Graphics? Gamecube port. All I need to say.(Except the maps are a mirror image of the Gamecube, of course.)

Story is great for a Zelda game, but okay against all Zelda games. It's basically that Zant, the ruler of twilight, is taking away the power from the light spirits. And because of that, Hyrule is becoming covered in twilight. You begin in the small village of Ordon, and you need to deliver something to the castle(never know what). You do all these chores in the beginning, then later on, right when you're about to leave, you and Ilia(a character who lives in Ordon- the mayor's daughter), along with your horse Epona(the default name), get attacked by orcs. And you wake up later, with no one around you. You go to the forest, except there's this big dark wall in the way. Then you get pulled in by a shadow creature's hand. You'll have to find out what happens next on your own.

Still no voice acting- the only voices are HYAH! and HHHEEEEYYYY!!! and random gibberish from Midna. Oh, and something that sounds like Japanese from another character. This was my review of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the Wii.