Just keeps getting better and better!

User Rating: 9.2 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
From the opening sequences, I am somewhat ashamed to say that I was somewhat underwhelmed. Here Iw as with this game that was supposed to be the be all end all of Wii games, the reason I bought the dame thing in the first place, and then I saw the graphics and lack of voice work. I was worried, worried I'd put too much weight into this purchse. I had faitht that the game would pan out in the end, but like Wind Waker, I thought that it would go well and then just fizzle somewhere near the end.

Never in a million years did I imagine that Zelda would unravel like a beautiful, delicate little flower. I love it. The dungeons are amazing. The details in everything, hell that's what keeps me coming back for more again and again! It's amazing! I love this game and the things that I thought would get old (the Wii controls for the swordplay), while clunky at first, have really come around. I do have to take some issue with them though. There are really times when I feel as though I'm accomlishing certain feats by accident rather than by my own hand, but I guess that's only because I'm still getting better. Still, the game is great. I thought Okami would be hard to top. It'll be a race to the finish, but I have little doubt that Zelda will come out on top in a big way!