This is the Best Zelda, hands down period, end of statement. You would do well to pick it up. If you don't like the controls then you probably won't like the WII. I think this game has it all even grafix, well for a nintendo game it's not bad on the eyes. I think it was developed for the GC and then ported to the WII. We will see if my asumption is true when it comes out on GC. There is really not much to dislike with the game, at all. Playing it awhile will fully remind you of the Zelda, of past. However the visuals, and the play is definatly great. This would have sold some GC's, but nintedo did I wise thing and used it on the WII. I don't see why the reviewer gave it such a low score, 8.8 isn't bad. However I do have to disagree with the Score, pick it up you will like it.
This zelda is the masterpiece of zelda so far, and one that many future installements will be compared against. Can't belive nintendo sucked me in again with another zelda, damn them.
Other Helpful Reviews for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Pros: Huge world to explore, beautiful graphics, works well with Wii control, great story, plenty of old and new music Cons: Doesn't look next gen, no voice acting, bosses are somewhat easy Since its premier in 200... Read Full Review
LoZ: TP's beautiful story and superb gameplay unite, giving birth to a masterpiece. I remember the hype this game spawned. Lines that stretched to insane lengths, just to get a few precious seconds of playing The Leg... Read Full Review