Everything you wanted...
The gmae is no cake walk, although starting easy it becomes much more difficult. The first few temples can be blown threw in intense gameplay for a day (so aroud 10 hours or so)... As completling the game at 45 hours ( I got my copy yesterday) and taking the day off it is long... But it adverages out at about 5 hours a temple or so... Side quests are lacking in comapre to MM, but still quite a treat... The cave of ordeals is one hell of a ride it honestly makes you sweat.
there are a few negetives tho im not going to lie. The music seems "Cheap" Although it brings back old memories witch is good and has new music mixed in, it isnt done live and there are still no voices, although the "sounds" the chararters make are good..
IF you are a gamecube owner go GET this game right now, NO excues go get it, Im not lying it is THE best game... Im even going to do a re runthrew a fewtimes to right a guide maby...