One of the best games i have ever played and is worth the time.
User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
This game is a lot better for the Wii than it was for the GC. The Wii version is an exact mirror image of the GC version because in the Wii version link is right handed. When i started playing the Wii version i was confused but i got used to it. The storyline is great and it is longer than most adventure games. I highly recommend this game to buy. If you have a Wii this is my #1 pick. The controls are expertly designed and i love the motion of swing the remote to swing the sword. Overall i think this is the best designed game for the Wii ever to hit this platform. If you like old school games this Zelda game is a classic for all ages to enjoy. If you already have the GC version then you can still play this and i think that it is worth the money. There are some new items and temples in this game all which bring something new to the table. The sky temple for example is great and the dragon as a boss uses the hook shot effectively. There are also many side quests which all tie into the main quest line eventually. Personally this game deserves an 11 but the rating only went to 10. If you are considering buying this game you should also consider Super Smash Bros Brawl.