Nintendo Shoots for a good launch title... They make a perfect one...

User Rating: 10 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight princess... You may be thinking 8.8? Hmm this game looks pretty good but I may want to give Monkey ball a spin, Or take a swing at Surgery...(Dot Dot Dot)These titles may have great game play and maybe just alltogether great games.(I have nothing against rolling cute monkeys in balls) But Have you second looked Zelda? I hope you havent...You see that Nintendo It went For a "good" launch. They got an incredible one. They trie for a New "innovative"
system... It becomes the most popular but (Dot Dot Dot.) When Befuddled with the fact of intense titles come up like "Gears of war" From the 360 Nintendo seemed a little less "awsome". I wondered if the Wii was gonna flunk...Badly...(Dumb mistake upon my part) You see... as in a line for about 6-10 hours on end you know this wait is not going to be futile, because you know you are gonna need a game to play A.S.A.P. I tell my dad who is about to go to ToysRus to "purchase Twilight princess" I repeat it over a dozen times so that just in case he may pick up some other random title(Blech)

The moment of truth... He gets it i am so pleased... :' ]
But at that moment of joy it is spliced into a million peices when i realize..There is a chance of total Flumpage from the fact that the controller may not be "User friendly" . I begin to panic. Suddenly my number is called... I go in... get my Wii w/ extra conroller and stroll out.That day i was busy but when i got back home. I or...Mii played.............

Please enter your name:
Date of Birth:
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(The wii asks me or...Mii)
As i aim at the screen i find that the control is "Ideal"... I am pleased.So i pop in the "Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess"...Nov 19 06 at approx 1:30 to Dec 17 11:42 i have spent a total of 43:32...And throuout that entire time
i was..."Comptent"

This game wiil bring you pure Euphoria from when you first cut away at a scare crow with your..."sword" Till you end when you end the True King of Darkness with the Blade of Evils bane...

I truly could go on for at least 2 more pages but i would prefer to keep it short and in a nut shell...
You cannot go wrong with this true masterpeice of a game. The Gameplay will bring you back, The graphics will awe you, The orchestrated music will
charm you and The Pure story will Grip you. And i think i say this for everyone but... Wii love it