Great, fun, entertaining, and all that jazz... This game helps pro-longs the GC's end...

User Rating: 9.3 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess GC
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, is probably one of the most anticipated game on the DS for a while now. With Nintendo, we are bound to be not dissapointed by their exemplary reputation for shelling out great titles that are well known to nearly everyone on the face of the earth. As technology progresses, this game slides in perfectly to balance the need to achieve great teachnical feats, and a great game.

The zelda series has been around from the dawn of the gaming timeline... It has lead the pact everytime it is released as a new sequal, and this title is no exeption. Living up to the predicesors for puzzel solving, and entertaining combat, it serves to the pallete of many. With Twilight Princess, it is truely intended for the DS, as the Wii is still going under alot of attention none the less, the combat system really does cater to the DS controls alot more. The combat is smooth most of the time, but at times it maybe difficult to get around some of the enemies you face for the first time, but when isn't it suppose to? The various tools at your disposal either in the new First person view, or the good old fishing rod, it is just great fun to fiddle with using some of them, and just absolutly satisfying when you complete a puzzel by using one of them, and feel less useless when you dont.

As for the technical part of the game, the graphics and sound is still up to par with the rest of the pact. The graphics are, in an artistic way, great. Consitency is not an issue, as there isn't really much of a shortage of a fair share of detail. And the music during and out of combat are still magnificent, and no less of that. The ambient sounds, and sound effects are still solid, and there really is no way of really telling wheather they sound real or not.

The storyline is, as usual, a master-piece. Still original, and still emersive. After every cutscene, you feel the drive to know more. Though some of the puzzels seem like you need a bit of luck, it doesn't take a rocket scientest to know what to do. With the new added, 'wolf' form, it proves to be a new 'twist' to the whole zelda universe. Although some times you feel the urge to morph inbetween at times to solve puzzles, or to do some fighting. But none the less, nintendo managed to make a solid sequal to the ongoing zelda legacy. And we are bound to see link once again solving puzzles and fighting foul beasts.

This game breathed life back into the GC for a while, and the flickering light that represents the GC's future still burns with a bright light... We are bound to see more hit titles coming out for this venerable console, and pray that Twilight Princess won't be the last we hear from it...
