Wow The Wii's flagship launch title has landed and after a two year wait It maybe the best in this classic series.
Graphics: No more cell shading for those who complained the so called mature graphics have made their triumphant return. The graphics look superb in standard def and will make anyone who does not have a high definition TV absolutely ecstatic. The graphics receive a 10/10.
Sound: Its classic Zelda music and sound. The speaker in the Wii remote allows for even more immersive gaming than my 5.1 surround sound gives. The sound gets a well deserved 10/10.
Game play: This is truly the category where this game and the Wii itself truly stands apart from the rest either currently or in history. Where do I begin? exclusive to the Wii version is the fishing mini game. In this mini game the Wii remote acts very well as the rod and reel. In fact it does it better than any fishing game ever has. It will take the player an average between seven and nine hours to reach the first of nine temples/dungeons. In wolf form while it will take some time to get used to but it controls very well and is a sheer joy to play. It will take the player 45 real time minutes to ride on horse back from one side of Hyrule to the other one word huge. Variety is the key here as well. I dare anyone who is a Zelda fan to get bored with this game. There has been a reported 90 hours of game play including side quests. I am also betting that this game has a harder version unlocked after beating the normal one, but I can not confirm that. Every other Zelda game has though. Game play can only sadly receive a 10/10 I wish I could give it more.
Story: Its a run of the mill Zelda story line. They do explain wolf form reasonable well. Story gets a thank god for a new Zelda 10/10.
It could very well become clear that on November 19th 2006 gaming as we know it could have changed because of the Wii. If that is he case the Twilight Princess was the first triple A title in the brand new interactive era of gaming. If you have or are planning on getting a Wii then the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess has to be the first title you buy period.