Best. Zelda. EVER.

User Rating: 9.2 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
After years of waiting. Twilight Princess finally manages to squeak its way on the new Nintendo Wii system. Buckle your seatbelts ladies and gentlemen, you are on one hell of a ride. Twilight is a visual masterpiece, and the best zelda game ever created!

Because of the bizarre nature of the Wii controller, people might readily think to just go straight to the gamecube version. But hold your horses, while the gamecube version is good, the Wii version is much more fun, and immersive. You use the main controller to use your sword, you only have to slightly "shake" it, not swinging it wildly. You also use the pointer feature for the various projectile weapons in the game, like the Bow, slingshot etc. This is an extremely similar game to Ocarina of Time (thankfully), although it would be nice to change the formula up just a little bit in the next one. Windwaker changed it up with the dreaded sailing. You also get your typical dungeons. Forest, Fire, Water, Sky, Dark,etc. Overall the gameplay is super fun and will please any zelda fan.

The graphics are simply, gorgeous. The standouts are obviously the water effects, some of the best I have seen on an old gen system. Some textures are highly blurry or distorted, but you really don't look at them for too long. Link looks more realistic than ever, his tunic has lots of fine detail and stiching. the Twilight world looks like a washed out barren wasteland, spooky graphical effects dominate this part of the game. Overall the graphics do more than enough to please the eye, but some textures could have been a tad bit sharper.

The sound is also another standout, the soundeffects are utterly perfect, though I reccomend turning the sound off from the wii remote speaker, it sounds like crap. The soundtrack has its good tracks, like the central marketplace, some dungeons, virtually all boss music, and the hyrule field theme. Though some are a little too midi-ish, but that wont make you turn the sound down at all.

The game has so much to do it is incredible, fishing, finding hard to reach bugs, snowboarding, and so much more. You will likely want to play the game multiple times also, it will likely get 100+ hours before you are totally done with the game for a long while.

Overall this is the best zelda ever, so much has been improved from windwaker. Fear not zelda fans, the new control is pitch perfect, though with some tedious wolf segments, the game is nearly perfect. If you have to play one game this year, the would probably be the best choice. Do yourself a favor and pick up nintendo best, and most polished game ever.