Game of the Year in Spy games Award 2006 Huge Game, i wish it never had an end....

User Rating: 9.8 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
Such a great game, pretty story and an emotionous end, such beautiful graphics and gameplay, sound was ok, i loved the point and shoot technology. Also liked the length of the game,cuz it does not worth to pay 50 bucks for a short game. I realized i have spent 70 hours playing till the end but feels i have just started. And there is one thing that i hated, but i loved it, is the fact that when you beat Ganon and the game is finished it cannot be saved, and u will always come back to the front of Hyrule Castle, but i also like it because whenever i want to see the end all over again or just feel like baeting a boss which u cannot do to the others u have defeated, u can do it all over again, but i do like....Also hated that zelda was not the winner of Game of the Year in Gamespot, in the Spy Games award Zelda tok it !!! yeah!!!!!!!!!!