Not the best Zelda to date, Twilight Princess tries too hard recreate another OoT when really it should move along.

User Rating: 9.1 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess GC
For those who have played The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time will most likely agree that it was an excellent game and one of the best of al time. But for some reason Twilight Princess which is very similar to that of OoT feels stuck in the past and remotely the same game. Which is good, in fact its great but you can't help but wonder this game could've been so much more with a few more tweaks & changes, along the lines of what Majora's Mask & Wind Waker did.

Gameplay: Similar to Ocarina of Time with a few improvements to keep up with the times (which was probably expected). Link has his usual slew of items which he will use througout the game to solve puzzles and slay enemies along with a few new ones to keep things fresh and it does an excellent job once again. Epona is also back and horseback combat has never been more exhilarating! This is probably one of the stronger improvements in the game and it would've been better if there was only more of it. Another addition is that this time whenever Link enters what is called the "Twilight Realm" he transforms into a Wolf. At first it seems very cool and adds a bit of variety to the combat. It's probably not quite as good as Link in human form but still works quite well and the gameplay is excellent no matter where you are or what you're going.

Graphics: For the most part Twilight Princess looks delightful. The lighting effects are done particualy well and the character models and rendered quite well at a steady framerate. Link in particular looks especially great and just when I was about to say this is best looking game on the Gamecube I glance upon the texturing. Now here comes another reason why this game is trying to be another Ocarina of Time. The textures look like they came straight out of a N64 game! Well maybe not quite... but they are below standard for a game of this calibre. This doesn't really ruin anything about the game (Gameplay is first priority for any game) but you'd expect in a Zelda game to be nothing short of superb.
8/10 Sound: The sound in Twilight Princess holds up fairly well but it is far from perfect. None of the new pieces are really all that outstanding but are still pretty good. Now about the voices in the game. Maybe it is about time Zelda games started getting a bit of attention in this category. These days you don't really find many text driven games and Zelda too should step out of its past.

Value: Any Zelda fan should really not miss out on this one because it is an excellent game. It took me a bit over 40 hours to complete this game (bare in mind I undertook quite a few of the side quests the game has to offer) which is quite lengthy for an action adventure game. There are a lot of things to do in Twilight Princess and the world is really quite large and it all fits onto one disk (don't ask me how though)!

Anyone who owns a Gamecube really can't go wrong with this title. It's probably not the best Zelda but it is A Zelda and it rightfully sends the Gamecube off on a positive note.