One of the best adventure games i ever played!

User Rating: 9 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess GC
The legend of zelda twilight princess is an epic game it just really blew me away how great this game played.First i wanted to really to talk about the combat in this game WOW! seriously it rocks i just like destroying monsters in the field or dungeons,the combat has been improve dramaticly compare to ocarina of time (which is kinda boring compare to twilight princess) you could parry and the combos are much more extended you could also finish off your opponent by giving them a last blow to the chest it's just so satisfying doing that.So the combat rock but i also want to say that the graphics look just gorgeous i like how the twilight of palace looks like and the water dungeon they look really cool.controls in this game are sweet too it feels smooth and runs great however there is only 2 buttons to put items unlike in previous 3D zelda there were 3 to put items.The game story was great but it just felt a bit predictible i actually knew ganondorf would return but it was cool to see him back,I also forgot to mention the cutscenes look amazing in this game better than those in wind waker i also like the bloom effect this game had terrific!The dungeons were also one of the best things about this game they were more larger and the bosses were big and all but too easy but still fun to destroy them.If you like previous zelda games you will like this unless if you totally hated zelda OOT and loved the wind waker more,It's still worth checking out if you like adventure games you have to buy it renting it won't do you need to expirence to whole adventure!!!