The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is one of those rare games that comes along every so often that just stuns and marvels everyone who comes in contact with it. From start to finish this game delivers detailed gameplay, outstanding music, amazing visuals and nearly perfects the RPG genre. This my friends is the Zelda game you have been waiting for, and this is the sole reason to save up money and get yourself a Wii. Once you boot up the game it's nearly impossible not to get involved with the story line and see everything Hyrule has to offer. From the woods, to the treacherous Death Moutain, up to the Gerudo Valley Desert you will be amazed at the size and complexity each area has to offer. The Gameplay in this installment is similar to just about any other Zelda game you have ever played only this time, things have reached near perfection. The Wii-Remote offers amazing precision when aiming with your trusty bow and arrow or your slingshot, and does just as much justice for your sword and shield. I was skeptical at first how the controls may end up feeling too different since you will be performing alot of the actions that Link has to do such as swinging the sword, casting the fishing poll, whacking an enemy with the shield, or doing his famous spin attack. Everything plays out wonderfully though largley because it doesn't take much effort to perform any of these acts and it soon becomes second nature. Even after long sit-ins with this game and I mean long maybe 10-12 hours at a time your hand never becomes any more tired than it would if you were playing a normal game, and trust me, this is the most abnormal way to play a game ever. But it works and works well. A new feature has been added to the game and just about everyone knows what it is. The ability to play as a wolf. Although not near as much fun as running around Hyrule as normal link or riding Epona, the Wolf levels offer a nice change of pace by adding more exploration and tons of neat combat options. All the controls normal Link has such as swinging the sword are performed the same way as a wolf, but now you just swing your head and rip enemys to shread. For those that played Ocarina of Time, you will remember Navi tagging along with Link for most of his journey but this time it's a creature from the Twilight named Midna. She is an absoloute smart-ass at the beginning of the game adding alot of comical relief and it's a blessing to have because the story line is the most mature story line in the Zelda series yet. Other than changing into a Wolf, there is mainly basic Zelda gameplay to be had. You move crates, you solve difficult puzzles, you fight giant bosses and of course, you fight enemy after enemy. This version offers way more fun because you actually swing the Wii-Remote to make Link perform various attacks and it's really just one awesome battle after another. Graphically the game stands pretty well on it's own offering stunnigly beautiful enviorments such as the sun rise in Hyrule field or the amazing Lake Hylia. Some textures feel a little bit dated since this is a PORT from the Gamecube version. In layman's terms, that means this game looks no prettier than current-gen Gamecube games. It's never a problem though because believe it or not, the Gamecube offers some pretty amazing graphic capabilities and no game thats been released on the cube can even start to compare to this one. If you are a graphics whore and are turned off at the beginning of the game because of the somewhat blurry textures just give it time. It seemed to me that the game became prettier and prettier the more I went on. The music and sounds in this game are almost all remakes of music from Ocarina and Majora's mask but there are plenty of new songs here and they never dissapoint. Overall I would say the sound in this game alone beats any Zelda game to date, hands down. There are plenty of side quests and mini games that fill the majority of Hyrule and completing them will take up so many hours of your life. It's truely a great thing though because when you get frustrated with a temple and if you have your trusted Ooccoo with you, than you can easily leave and go explore and do some missions before trying to conquer it again. It's a sigh of relief to be able to do this because some of the later temples offer an amazingly hard challenge but no, none of them can compare to Ocarina's water temple.
Overall, Twilight Princess is the game you were hoping for when you first heared of this game so many years ago. This is the start of a new era of video games and this game is the prime example of what near-perfection is.
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