Today, I'll be reviewing Zelda: Twilight Princess for the Nintendo Wii. It begins with our young hero, living life as a goat herder. He is called to deliver a ceremonial sword to Hyrule Castle, and he sets off to do so. But he and his friends are attacked by monsters, and he is pulled into the Twilight Realm, which is engulfing the world. You meet Midna, your sort-of Navi, and she tags along with you throughout the game. TP has amazing graphics, but are nothing short of top-of -the-line Gamecube graphics, sort of like RE4. The storyline is awesome, and, for those of you who have been trying to chronologically list the Zelda games, this game fills the gap between OoT and WW. Gameplaywise, you'll be swinging the Wii Remote back and forth to swing your sword, and move with the Nunchuck's control stick. Koji Kondo truly outdid himself with the musical score, such as the remixed Hyrule Castle theme. You could go through all the side quests a little later in the game, but that does not harm the value of the game. My thoughts of the game are good ones, and, if you're just getting into video games, this title will not let you down.
Other Helpful Reviews for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Pros: Huge world to explore, beautiful graphics, works well with Wii control, great story, plenty of old and new music Cons: Doesn't look next gen, no voice acting, bosses are somewhat easy Since its premier in 200... Read Full Review
LoZ: TP's beautiful story and superb gameplay unite, giving birth to a masterpiece. I remember the hype this game spawned. Lines that stretched to insane lengths, just to get a few precious seconds of playing The Leg... Read Full Review