The second-best Zelda in the series!!! Amazing game!!

User Rating: 9.8 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
The second-best Zelda game ever made, second only to "The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past."


As always, the gameplay in Zelda is perfect. The Wii remote is integrated into the game flawlessly. I never want to go back to aiming my bow with a primitive analog stick. The dungeons and boss battles are the coolest I've ever seen in a videogame in a very long time. The story is also very well done, and gets to the typical climax in an unconventional way. The new weapons are great, and the tweaks made to existing weapons is also very well done. Excellent amount of variety in the game as well. There is always something different to do like snowboarding and fishing. The battle system is well done also, the new moves you pull off are great, and adds another layer to the fighting. The horse battles are particularly incredible also, and very exciting. The only slight down side is that the bosses are too easy, but that is a small complaint compared to how cool the boss fights are. Graphics:
The graphics in Zelda are great artistically speaking. The art design and originality is superb. However, while the graphics do push the GC to the limits, it's a shame that Nintendo did not put a little more effort into beefing up the Wii version a little bit. However, it is a small complaint. The graphics look good with component cables. The Twilight realm is really bizarre and interesting, and breathes a lot of originality into the Zelda universe. Sound:

Unfortunately, this is the weakest part of the game, Nintendo, you need to get rid of MIDI music for your big games, it's time to go orchestral. This is really annoying because, the compositions themselves are terrific, the MIDI music just will not do it justice. Also, it's time Nintendo started voice-acting in their games. Link should never talk, but there is no reason why the NPCs like Zelda and Gannon can't talk, get with the program Nintendo. Also, the Wii speaker is a bit lousy. The sounds coming from it sound flat. However, you can turn it off if you turn the volume all the way on the Wii remote, and have all the sounds come from your TV (Guess Jeff did not realize that ;) ). Even though there are a couple problems here the strengths make up for them. The excellent compositions almost makes up for the MIDI, and the great writing and sound effects make up for the lack of voice talent. Value:

This is one of the best games ever created, It will keep you busy for at least 40 hours (assuming you don't cheat with a guide). The gameplay is razor-sharp. If you have a Wii or a Gamecube you need to play this game, if you don't get one so you can play it.