well, I've waited for over 2 years for this game, and when I got it, I experienced a brand new Zelda game.

User Rating: 9.3 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess GC
Good: You finally get to play as adult Link through the entire game, has an interesting story, great boss fights, great new variety of monsters to fight, has a classical hint of the N64s Ocarina of Time, and has over 40 hours of gameplay.

Bad: Has a lot of the same old stuff, such as some of the items, and the puzzles are the same, and at times the puzzles can get frustrating.

When I got this game for Christmas, I wanted to play it so badly, and when I popped the little disc into my consol, I had experienced a whole brand new Zelda game, and it was sweet, but was it worth it?

Well, I'll give out some other reasons why it's a whole new Zelda game, and why it was sweet, first of all, you get to play as adult Link throughout the entire game, you have a new variety of monsters to fight, and some are a few old classics from other Zelda games such as Ocarina of Time, such as those plant monsters, and you get to meet the Gorons, the Zoras, and so on, and the game has some pretty sweet boss fights to, such as the first boss, the Diababa, when you defeat the first two heads, you might think the fight is over, but then you see you got another head to deal with, and that is the main head, and that suprised me the first time.

But then again, great games have their flaws as well, because at time in the puzzles, they sometimes cause you to become frustrated, and get angry, but I hope that doesn't make you think that this is a bad game.

Now the answer to the question, was this game worth the 2 year wait?

Answer: Totally

also, I think this game is the game of the year.