Game of the year! deserves to have the name zelda!

User Rating: 9.4 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess GC
The good: long gameplay(40hrs+), interesting storyline, graphics are great, difficult puzzles, new items.

The bad: game is too easy

Twilight princess has everything that makes a great zelda game. If you need a rest from playing dungeons, there are games in castletown, a fishing hole, poes, golden bugs, hidden skills, fishing lures, and that is all side quests. The game does start out slow, but once you get further it picks up big time and gets interesting. I dont know if i would say that this game is the best zelda out of the whole series, but i can honestly say that it didnt disappoint! You dont want to miss out on this game, go out and buy it now!