Zelda newbies look here for a first timers review!!
User Rating: 9.3 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
For all those who haven’t been into Zelda but want to give this a try I would HIGHLY recommend this game. I haven’t played a Zelda game since the original on the NES but have discovered I have been missing out. I can’t really give a reason as to why but I never really cared much about it. I was really having to contemplate getting Twilight Princess and I’m definitely glad I did. Even while I was in line on launch day I was going back and forth about getting this game (camping at launch rules!!). This game is epic and it will take a lot of playing time. I completed the game in about 55 hours. So if you are a first timer like me, expect a lot of playing time (I’m a casual gamer by the way). I can honestly say that even though this game is long I was never bored. The story kept me excited and could hardly put it down. I played several non-stop 11 hour marathons. There is a lot of roaming around and searching for items but the game-play has you wanting to do these things. And it’s incorporated in a fun way. Some of the little side quests and mini games are lots of fun. The fishing is a blast. The snowboarding too.
The dungeons (temples) are challenging if you have never played Zelda before, but not too difficult that you want to quit. Just right I would say. It’s not a brain dead shoot ‘em up. You have to think and solve. The game has a good pace so you stay busy.
The Wii-mote does work very well with this game. It was much more interesting with the new controls. I don’t think they feel tacked on. The game is slow at the start as it gets you used to the controls.
One more thing. Get ready to go and get the previous Zelda installments if you haven’t played them. Now you’ll be hooked like me.