Lives up to what we expected
User Rating: 9.7 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
Now that i have beaten the game i can write my review. The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess being available for the Wii was not a shock and we predicted it would happen. In the game you play as Link a farmboy from Ordon Village one day some boars attack and kidnap the children and Link goes after them and he runs into a giant black wall that has some strange Tribal Markings on it and a big black hang forcefully pulls him in he gets turned into a wolf and meets Midna a Twilight Imp who acts as your guide throughout the whole game. She breaks him out fo the prision the twilight monsters threw him in and they meet Zelda. They then return to the light and link searches for his future sword and shield. He then returns to the Twilight and searches for light bugs a part in the game i didnt like at all because it was tedious and boring and i was extremely happy when it was done with. He then returns to his human form wearing green clothing like the legendary hero and heads for the forest temple after completeing it he recieves a Fused Shadow and finds that he must collect 2 more to defeat Zant the antagonist of the game. That is most certainly not all of the story but its a good describing of it. The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess is the game we have anticipated since 2004 and it lives up to expectations of course. But lets start with cons the few there were. First off on the Wii version the Wiimote speaker makes alot of noise in the game and it does it rather poorly so i recomend turning it off. This game isnt overwhelmingly Wii controlled you use the Wii Remote for Aiming and sword fighting and the nunchuck for executing the infamous spin attack and the buttons for everything else. While some criticised it i had no problem with the fancy controls at all. The Gameplay is classic 3D Zelda and whats wrong with that? Um nothing. The game recieved an 8.8 from gamespot for not bringing much new to the gaming world well its the fourth 3D zelda game and they dont come out very often this would be the 4th in the past 8 years. If it aint broke dont fix it. The game lasts for around 40 hours with plenty of stuff to do including fishing. The graphics of the game wont blow your socks off because this is in fact a port of a gamecube game. But the artstyle and the enjoyable epic cutscenes are enough to keep you watching. The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess is a masterpiece and i hope nintendo makes another 3D Zelda for the Wii.