After the Cel shaded journey that was wind waker, the Wii takes us back to the days of Ocarina Of Time and Majora's Mask

User Rating: 9.5 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
Some people say that this game is too similar to all the other Zelda games - Travel through a dungeon, getting keys, to fight the bad guy at the end. Well, the, I guess you'd call World War II a rip off of the Great War.

After being lampooned on a number of formats (Not the least of which the comedy central show Drawn Together) Nintendo have re-invented link. He's still the same youth thrown headfirst into a world of monsters and magic we all know and love, but now he's playing rough. With the Wii's motion sensor capabilities, players have access to more fighting moves than ever before. Link can slice for the jugular, flip behind an enemy and strike while their back is turned, and even finnish them off with a sword through the heart.

That is not to say that links other weaponary is neglected. Link can customise his trusty bow, fitting a hawkeye to snipe up close and personal, or packing on a bomb to create his own grenade launcher. Finally, Wii players can shout with triumph "Boom, Headshot!"

And the new weaponary certainly does have a great deal to add. Imagine link grinding a rail up a giant stone pillar, jumping off to attack a levitating fossils skull. Or try imagining hurling a giant steel ball at clusters of tiny enemies, and gleefully yelling 'Stee-Rike!". Or how about swinging through a room of targets, thanks to your two, thats right two, Clawshots (a re-invention of the hookshot that you can use to lower yourself from the target).

People complain about the visuals. Well I've played what people are calling some of the best next gen game for visuals, and I gotta tell you, Bioshock looks no better off at all.

Botom line, this game alone would be incentive enough to go out and get a Wii.