Short, but Fun.

User Rating: 9.7 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess GC
I Think the Best way to find if a Game is good is to rent it and try it.
But Since I found this game good, I'll write a review for these who still have that fear, that the game wont be as good as you think it would be.
First of all, the game is great!. What I found bad is that is to short and easy(At least for me).
Let's start with the graphics.
Everything looks perfect, I havent seen such great graphics on a gamecube adventure game since starfox adventure.
Gameplay,Is Great!.
Fighting on the horse, or land is awesome!, you can even climb the enemy's huge pig and destroy stuff.
But what I liked the most was being the wol and snowboarding.
Music and sound, I didnt really pay attention to them but I remember when I went to the "lost woods" I think, cuz the place reminded me of the lost woods, and there I heard that music from ocarina of time and it was nice!, and I think that when the sun comes out they play the song from wind waker which its cool as well.
You may think my review is bad, but I tried to keep it simple and not try to spoil everything.
This is a game you cant miss even if you are not a zelda fan, lots of surprises and stuff to do.