The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is the best Zelda game since Ocarina. This is one amazing game.
You start the game as a farm hand, rounding up sheep and other small tasks like that. This serves as the games tutorial. Keep in mind, this is a long beginning, but just slog through it and you will be rewarded with one of the best adventures the GameCube has to offer. Everybody in the little town you live in loves you. You have actual friends, and it feels like Link really belongs in this place. However, according to Zelda history, something has to very wrong during the start, and it's up to you to spend the rest of the adventure fixing it. This game is HUGE. With a large amount of dungeons, a massive map. And tons of new items to find, this is a game that will keep you playing for weeks, if not months.
The graphics in this game are excellent. From the sparkling waters of Lake Hylia to the dark vistas of Faron Woods, every location looks awesome. Every dungeon is huge, with many enemies to fight, rooms to explore, and items to be found. Even Link's sword swings look great. The sound in this game is very good as well, and it all just helps to pull you even further into the game.
OK, so in each dungeon, there is a unique item that will help you in the quest. To get the item, you usually have to do something like a puzzle, or kill some enemies. Each item will also help you with the massive boss of the dungeon. Each boss is a blast to fight against, and the showdowns are very cinematic. All in all, the dungeon exploring in this game is super fun, and has a lot of things to do. Exploring the map is also tons of fun. I found myself just riding on my trusty steed for hours upon hours, just exploring new places.
The combat in this game is very intuitive and refreshing. Use the L trigger to lock onto an enemy, and then start hacking away. You can also learn new sword fighting techniques from a mysterious knight, and each one is very useful during the fights. The combat is excellent overall.
In conclusion, this is my SECOND favourite Zelda adventure of all time. I loved the new dungeons, the older, less cartoony Link, the exploration, the items, I loved everything. One of the best adventures you will ever embark upon.