Wow more time and work and fun than could ever be expected from this due to the fact that... well its not ocarina of time. This is so much fun and such a great sequal to ocarina of time nobody could have expected it to be like this. To be honest i was a little afraid that it would not be this good due to ocarina of time and how it was. The game starts out where you are a farmer in the town of ordon. But suddenly that all changes when you are preparing to deliver a sword to the king of hyrule. you get knokked out by goblins and your felow villagers (as well as your horse) get kidnapped. once that happens These creatures called the twili come and invade the town of ordon as well as all of hyrule. their coming causes the gates between the twilight realm and the light realm to be opend and suddenly when you go through the to the twilight realm gate (unconciously dragged there by the twili) you turn into a wolf. The rest you can find out yourself bu playing the game. So go kick zelda ass. (Mild spoiler) Yes Gannon is one of the 2 main enimies the other you have to play to find out.
Other Helpful Reviews for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
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