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User Rating: 9.3 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
LoZ:TP The newest Zelda game out and there was a question that everybody kept asking and that is.Is TP better then OoT?Well the answer is no because you really can't cmpare these 2 games cause they were made years apart and the reason why Oot is still the best zelda game is because it was the first zelda game that went 3D and it offered new and intresting gameplay.But im not saying that TP is bad im just saying you really cant compare it to Oot.But anyways on with the review.This is a very stunning game with great graphics and good gameplay.The gameplay is of course different from other zelda games of course because of the Wii-mote instead of pressing A to swing your sword you will swing the Wii-Mote.And u will also use the Wii-mote to fish and aim.And also the nunchuck attachment will play a role too.But don't think this will make the gameplay easier cause sometime when you are aiming at the screen and trying to hit somthing your hand make shake and cause you to miss the target when u shoot your arrow or slingshot.When you shoot or swing your sword or solve a puzzle the speaker on your wiimote will make a sound like you hear on the T.V.But enough about the gameplay lets talk about the graphics.The graphics are gamecube standard but that is not a bad thing I personally love the graphics.I think the sorrounding around you are beautiful and really nice to look at...This game will keep you busy for at least 40 hours with the main quest and 10 more hours for the sidequest so there is alot to do in this game.And as for the sound it's really good there is no voice acting but I perfer it that way.So overral I reccomend you buy this game if your new to the Zelda series you can rent it from gamefly and see if you like and if you want to buy it you can buy it for a cheaper price on there.So I hoped you enjoy this review this is my first one so yeah thanks for reading