Alright, I for one just don't get this series. Although epic at times, Zelda falls short because of some design errors.
So, how does it stack up? Compared to Ocarina of Time it is a VAST improvement. Compared to the wrest of the gaming universe it has probably the best moments in video game history but ALL of that is brought down by the dungeons.
Zelda's plot does the job. Characters develop enough Twilight is evil....all that crazy crap that you'd find in your typical 40 hour Zelda game. The thing is though, that the game is really just an over-glorified go and fetch quest. The majority of your time is spent in dungeons and pretty much no plot advancements are made at ALL in these dungeons pretty much leaving it to gameplay alone.
Zelda looks very nice. Technically it looks fine but the art is fantastic in the game. All the monster designs are great. Zelda's one of the pioneers of great video game music using memorable tunes and some ok new ones. It doesn't have any orchestral sounds, but you won't really notice or care. All of Zelda's dialog is in text which isn't too bothersome as you won't be reading for too long and its always nice to be able to name Link. I for one like to name him Cloud......
Anyways, Green Elf boy using the Wii-mote and Nunchuck to control which works very well. Although it feels more like you're using an over-glorified button it works fine and in some points it feels pretty good.
Now then, the reason WHY the game didn't get a higher score and why, I actually haven't cared to finish the game. The dungeons. Now, some puzzles are fun but its really just going through the motions for about the first 3 hours or so. Then you get to a Mini-boss, fight him, get a new weapon and solve more puzzles. Some of the new weapons like the Spinner are very fun but most of them fail to shake things up. Then after another hour or so you find a master key and about 20 minutes later you're fighting the boss. These are the best parts of the game and can be EXTREMELY fun. Then, the game does either one of two things: gives you a nice chunk of plot to propel you forward, gives you a nice chunk of plot or another mini-boss to fight outside of the dungeon OR neither. If its neither then, that's when the game goes bad and for all of the above things that can happen once you get to the next dungeon, you'll be done. The game then is so uncompelling that you might not pick it up for another while. Dungeons cut you off from anything and in a bad way.
Mini games are abundant. Some of them are fun and they all use the Wii-mote in a nice way. The game also features you turning into a wolf. The first 3 times its to kill some twilight*cough*repetitive*cough* and then after you do something then you can freely switch from Wolf to Man.
Zelda is a fun game, but only good one dungeon at a time. The dungeons (until about the mini boss and then the final boss) are so painful that this game's score is lowered so much. The game is great is good to pick up if you have a wii but it sticks so much to the Wind Waker and Ocarina of Time gameplay that if you didn't like them, you definitely won't like this one.