No matter what anyone says, this game really does tread into new territory, with a good story, the same, good play.
The game starts with that same basic storyline, but very quickly turns, and becomes something totally new, and completely satisfying in every way. I have been playing Zelda since I was 4, when I beat the very first one in 3 days time. Then came number 2, which was, in my opinion, terrible. But then the good games started rolling again, with Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, and other such masterpieces. In my opinion, Ocarina of time was a perfect game in every way, even in today's standards, though the graphcis could sue a bit more. Majora's mask, was to me, more enjoyable, but just not quite as good. And this game is even better.
The game truly takes a turn when you first get pulled into the Twilight Realm and become a wolf. You soon encounter a creepy little creature named Midna, who you will definitely find a very good, extremely complex character. The whole game, you have no clue if she is actually evil, if she is good, or whether she is playing both sides. Towards the end of Twilight Princess, it becomes evident what her role is, and you will be satisfied with it. What would a Zelda game be without Ganondorf? Well, he's back, but in a new way, and much more frightening. You have to actually fight him 4 times, starting with [SPOILER ALERT] him taking over Princess Zelda's body, then becoming his first form, Ganon. Next, you have to hop on Epona and get close enough for Zelda to shoot him with Light Arrows, then slice him. Finally, you must fight the Dark Lord with your sword, and it is a great battle. The puzzle elements also return in this game, because that is one of the defining points of the Zelda series. None of the puzzles are too hard to figure out, if you pay attention and utiize your tools. Sometimes, you may have to wander around a dungeon for 45 minutes, maybe an hour before you spot a point you didn't notice before, and then use it to solve a puzzle. In dungeons, you must fight a mini-boss, who will usually give you some tool necassary in defeating that dungeon's main boss. You start with the Gale Boomerang, then begin rounding up the other tool, ending with the Double Clawshot. In order to reach the dungeon's boss, you must also find the Big Key, which is in a large black, horned chest with an eyeball on it.
It seems that spiders are a major focus in this game, mainly because all locked dorrs have chains on them in the form of spiders, there are loads of enemy spiders, and you can even see pictures of spiders on the walls and ceilings of some dungeons if you pay attention.
There are also a load of minigames in this game. Some are necassary to beating the game, but others are jsut for fun, like fishing. Some will also get you special items that aren't entirely necassary, but if you are a completionist, they are great for collecting.
The bosses in this game can be fun, frightening, and a challenge all at the same time. I am an arachnophobic, and when I had to fight this big spider thing, I was clenching the Gamecube's Wavebird so tight my knuckles turned white. The bosses are never nearly as difficult as reaching them, with the exceptions of Zant and Ganondorf. However, if you haven't been paying attention in the dungeon, just running around, the bosses can take a while to figure out. That said, even if you do pay attention, the bosses can sometimes take a while to figure out. None of them (except Zant and Ganondorf) have super devastating moves, but some of them get rather annoying after you've died 2 or 3 times, finally figuring out how to beat them, but still not being quite fast enough to get at them.
This game is a lot of fun, right from its swift (you start in Ordon Village, not knowing your destiny, not having any super sword skills, but right away there is a lot to do, and Goat Herding is just fun) way of putting you in danger (goats can be mean), right to its tantalizing, sad, and deep ending. Then end is very satisfying, but if you haven't tackled the 50-floor Cave of Ordeals, don't go fight Ganon, because it doesn't let you go back and o anything after you beat the game and the creits roll. Right at the very end, what Midna does is so sad that if movies like Old Yeller made you cry (that movie never got me, this game almost did), you will need some tissues.
Big review, and I've only touched on the Gameplay and story!
The graphics are really good, I'm so glad they took the time to perfect this game. The game looks qutie realistic, and evrything looks good, and has a smooth, steady framerate.
The characters and their development is really good too. This game has the best characters of any Zelda game, and yay, there is no Tingle.
I'd like to point out, that like almsot every Nintendo game, there is a Mario reference. Pay attention the Falbi's shirt, on his arm. There is a blatant (and angering) Mario reference.
All said and done, I put 35 hours into this game, completing the story. It is worth playing again too. I know I must have missed something.
If you have the chance, pick this game up for the Wii. If you are like me, get it for the Gamecube. The story is just as good, the graphics nearly as good, and the gameplay, very good, but not as interactive as the Wii version, obviously. Whichever version you get, you shan't be disappointed.