Not the best, but damn close to it.
User Rating: 9.6 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
After 3 years since the release of The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, some gamers felt that they needed a proper Zelda, not a kid in green clothes. Even though the game was controversial to some, it was still great to play. Now, 3 years later, after release of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, I can safely say that this game drew back the attention of gamers that didn't like Wind Waker and those who just love the series. New to Zelda is the Twilight, an alternate realm of chaos and despair. Along the way, you will meat intriguing characters, such as Midna and the mature Zelda. What LoZ: TP nails right is the sense of adventure. A gigantic world is around you, and it's all yours to explore. There are a lot of nooks & crannies everywhere, so take the time to explore them. Some people said that this wouldn't be as good as LoZ: OoT; others said the opposite. After countless hours playing both games, I can say that TP isn't as good as OoT, but it's really close. Graphics don't make a game, but TP's graphics are good. I say good because they aren't up to par with the standards, such as Gears of War, or Resistance: Fall of Man. Nonetheless, TP looks awesome, but don't get distracted by graphics alone.
Now the bosses & dungeons. The first few dungeons are fairly simple, but still require brain power. Later on in the game, the bosses get a little tougher, but still fairly simple. This may ward off traditional fans of the series, but nonetheless, are quite satisfying.
Long story short, an awesome adventure, beautiful world, just graphics wise, it is not up to par with standards. Nonetheless, an awesome game. There may be a few glitches here and there, and some textures don't look impressive, but it's Zelda, so who's whining.