Sorry, but I stay with the classic, in other words the GameCube version.

User Rating: 9.5 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
YEP; awesome game. Everybody knows that and YEP it was fun the Wiimote feature, but it kind of gets annoying at some point. Yeah at the begining of the game you are swiming your wiimote as if you feel like Link, but as you keep passing every level you start to only shake a little the wiimote and it's done.

I also didn't like that they had to chage Link's use arm from left to right. Yeah, I know it was for the players to feel more confortable but c'mon how unconfortable can it gets? i don't think that much... For me it knda hurt Link's image.
I'm not saying the wiimote was all bad, but if someone would put the Wii and gamecube version on a table and they would say to me pick one, I wiil go for the GC version, without hesitating.
but besides all of this I really liked the game after all