Twilight Princess is a great game, but is unfortunately shadowed by many faults.
Twilight Princess' story is basically the same as the other Zelda games. You are Link, a farm boy who goes on a journey to save the land of Hyrule from evil, save princess Zelda, and slay Ganondorf. The main difference of this game is you have to stop "twilight" or this black shadow magic from completely encasing Hyrule under the rule of the king of twilight, utterly known as Ganondorf from every but two Zelda games. You need to enter each twilight realm as a wolf with companion Midna to stop the spread of the darkness, and save various towns. However, this games' story is strikingly similar to Ocarina of Time's at times, giving you a feeling of Dejavu. It has many of the same places, including Hyrule field, which is also mapped very much the same way.
The look of Twilight Princess is a strong point. The game looks outstanding, from clean textures to every detail just looking terrific. Some of the things in the game look a little dated however, but this doesn't catch your eye as easily.
The control in Twilight Princess is also fairly good, but the use of the Wii Remote really isn't that necessary, seeing as buttons for fighting would have been a little easier, and the nunchuk is not the most accurate analog. Together, they do better than the standard Gamecube controller.
The puzzles and dungeons in Twilight Princess are very well made, and range from easy to fairly difficult, yet are fairly easier than other Zelda games. The bosses aren't very hard at all, and the last fight against Ganondorf could and should have been much harder.
Music in Twilight Princess is as good as ever. Catchy tunes, and well orchestrated songs will get stuck in your head during the whole span of your playing. The sound effects, however. Are far from perfect. Most of them come from the Wiimote, which has a very cheap speaker, giving them a nasty, static sound. That is a big let down.
Overall, Twilight Princess is a great game that any Wii owner should have, but could have been a good deal better.