Fantastic zelda game. if you have a wii you must get it. best ever zelda though????

User Rating: 9.1 | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII
TP is a fantastic game in the LoZ series and in its own right. the use of the wiimote to play the game is fantastic. the sword fighting is the best in all zeldas to date. the swinging of the wiimote the swirling of the nunchuck and the different hidden skills are all great. the graphics are good but not great but i as a gamer never tend to judge a game on its graphics seen as essentially it is gameplay you should be looking for. the sound is good but poor sounds from the wiimote speaker get annoying after awhile.

one of my main criticsms of the game is that it didnt drag me into the other charactors in the game as the likes of OoT did. as i said for me games have to have good gameplay and a good storyline for me to like it. TP has a good storyline but it is not as good as OoT. when i had finished the game i realized i didnt remember hardly any of the names of the other charactors let alone care about them. i didnt feel the want to beat ganondorf in TP as much as i did in OoT.also i felt that the game had too many reminders of OoT in it instead of going out there and trying to be its own and not living in the shadow of OoT.

In saying that i thoroughly enjoyed playing through zeldas latest installment. terrific game with alot of good mini games and sub quests to keep you going after the game is completed.